Army Hog Hunters Inaugural Season Sneak Peek Behind the Scenes!

Our hunting video production team has work in progress for the inaugural season of Army Hog Hunters. This is a new installment of the Force on Force series of shows featured on the Sportsman Channel that includes Army Bass Anglers and Army Buck Hunters.  In this series active duty and prior-service military personnel compete to be recognized as the national champions of Army Hog Hunters – Force on Force!  

Army Hog Hunters is shaping up to be the most exciting Force on Force championship yet.  In it, military shooting action take place during day and nighttime operations, both from the ground and from the air.  Our first location shoot is already in the books, and there’s another on the horizon.  We cannot wait for our viewers to tune in and check out the action as hunters team up with pilots from Skyhunter Outfitters and use military tactics to combat wild hog overpopulation problems in central Texas.  HOOAH!~

Army Hog Hunters Logo

We can’t give away all the details, it’ll ruin the surprises in the show, so our hunting videography team put together a behind the seasons sizzle reel just to wet your appetite.  Check out this sneak peek of what’s in store for season 1!  There is more to come…..

Army Hog Hunters Outfitter Promotional Video
Army Hog Hunters


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We would like to give a big shout to Scenic 515 cabins., our production headquarters during the shoot.  The lodging is top-notch, we’ll be sure to stay there again the next time we are shooting near their location. Their lodging is at 8372 W. FM 515 Yantis, TX 75497.

Even though temperatures were frigid with ice on every surface, we toughed out the conditions to make it the best!  Production crew and equipment performed flawlessly…. even with a couple of slips on the ice! Ready to go back down there and get in the air after those hogs….. HOOAH!